KPMG Agribusiness Agenda 2024: What rural landowners need to know
KPMG Agribusiness Agenda 2024: What rural landowners need to know
This agenda addresses the work of our farmers, growers, fishers, foresters, and processors across the country. It outlines how soft commodity prices, high input costs, high inflation and interest rates have hit the sector hard over recent years. Rural landowners need to understand how this will impact them in the future and how to navigate these adversities. We have written a small summary of this extensive agenda and ways we can help you address these issues.
The most consistent message across the primary sector is that life is currently tough for farmers, growers, fishers and other food and fibre producers. The costs of production have gone up at the same time as prices have come under pressure. Organisations across the sector are living with new regulations as the need to respond to climate change and mitigate the impact of farming systems on nature. We can see this through the various changes in district plans. We have an expert team who can help answer any of your questions as things are always changing.
In the future, environmental requirements and the need for economic resilience will lead to more farmers producing more than one product on their farms. Industry good organisations and supply chain partners have a key role to play in ensuring that there are practical pathways for farmers to follow to diversify their incomes. Making sure your land is ready for this shift towards a more diversified farming system is essential when it comes to preserving and making the most of your land.
With the extensive research behind this Agribusiness Agenda, we can now confidently prepare our assets in a way that future-proofs your land. If you need to have a chat with us about the best way to consider your use of land; give us a call on 0800 787 775 or flick us an email at
For the full agenda please visit: