Te Tai O Poutini Plan (TTPP) affecting all the West Coast
How the Te Tai O Poutini Plan (TTPP) affects all of the West Coast
As you may be aware, particularly if you live on the Coast, all three District councils on the West Coast are going through a District Plan change process, with the introduction of the Te Tai O Poutini Plan (TTPP). The new subdivision requirements of the TTPP are significantly different to what can be done under the operative District Plans. In some cases, this has had a beneficial effect on a property, in that the proposed zoning may have changed to something more capable of development, but in most cases the opposite is the case and what can be done today may not be achievable once the TTPP has become operative.
What is the TTPP?
The Te Tai O Poutini Plan is a statutory planning document that applies to the Buller, Grey, and Westland District Councils. It outlines how land can be used, developed, and subdivided in line with the Resource Management Act 1991. The plan is set to replace the existing Operative Westland, Grey, and Buller District Plans, affecting all properties in the three districts. TTPP covers aspects such as infrastructure networks, land allocation for business and housing, natural hazard management, biodiversity preservation, and noise and subdivision control, impacting everyone on the Coast.
How does the TTPP affect your ability to subdivide?
The proposed change in rural density could have the most significant impact on the majority of rural landowners. Adjustments to the underlying minimum area requirements of an area could potentially eliminate the development rights of landowners. Any subdivision on the West Coast will currently be assessed under the relevant Operative District Plan, until such a time as the TTPP has more legal weight. It will also be assessed against Te Tai o Poutini Plan objectives, policies, rules and standards and any relevant development plans. Obtaining consent under the current ODP’s is still possible in most instances, but we this will require the expertise of a professional.
Residential zonings generally have not changed significantly, although it is certainly worth contacting us to find out how this may affect you as well.
How we can help
We have a dedicated team that can assist you from the initial inquiry to the completion of your subdivided land. We understand the complexities of consents and applications and can streamline the process to make it stress-free, even with the introduction of ever-changing district plans. Contact us today – hello@survusrural.co.nz or call us now on 0800 787775